Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

At the school I'm student teaching at all the teachers surprised the students and dressed up in costumes for Halloween. The students loved it and it was so fun to dress up. I was...dun dun dun LUCILLE BALL from I Love Lucy!

I chose Lucy not only because I have red hair (and plus I love Lucille Ball) but also because I didn't want spend anything (poor college student and all that) and I had everything at home to do this costume. I was afraid at first that none of the kids would have ever seen I Love Lucy or even know who Lucille Ball was, but I was pleasantly surprised that pretty much all the kids recognized who I was.

dress vintage 50's
petticoat vintage 50's
slip vintage 50's
apron vintage 50's
shoes gift

Did you dress up for Halloween?

Friday, October 28, 2011

Coat Weather

It's such wonderful weather here in Tennessee! I'm loving wearing my coats and being chilled when I walk in the door after coming back from school.

I'm in. love. with this coat. I had lusted over it several times at Anthropologie, but it was far out of my price range (somewhere near $300) but the other day I happened to step into Anthropologie and they were having a huge coat sale and it was $50! Needless to say I snatched it up.
And here is what I'm wearing underneath the coat:

coat anthropologie
dress anthropologie/gift
blouse thrifted
tights target
shoes nine west


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Red and Pumpkin

It's been changing it's mind all over the place weather wise here in Tennessee. One moment it's in the 50's the next it's 80 again. Tomorrow ushers in another time of 50 degree weather, which I'm quite looking forward to.

I think these tights are just the perfect fall color. I had seen a couple other bloggers wear them and just had to pop on over to target and pick myself up a pair. 

blouse thrifted
vest vintage/the hip zipper
skirt vintage/the hip zipper
tights target
shoes naturalizer 


Monday, October 24, 2011

Make Up Tutorial: With A Fall Twist

Here is my first make up tutorial! This is how I do my every day make up, except the lip stick is darker than usual in celebration of the autumn season.

Products I used:

Prep and Prime by MAC
Pro Longwear foundation by MAC
Select Sheer Pressed Powder by MAC
Brow Shaper in Soft Brown by Clinique
Orb eye shadow in a satin finish by MAC
The Falsies Volume Express mascara by Maybelline
Powder blush in Melba by MAC
Prep and Prime Lip by MAC
Lipstick Dare You by MAC
Lip liner pencil in Cherry by MAC

I'm really loving doing tutorial's so if there's anything in particular you'd like me to do one on, please let me know and I'll try to do it!


P.S. Thank you all for your sweet comments on my last post, it really cheered my day up!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

This Bitter Earth

Today has not been the best of days. I keep it pretty cheery on the blog, and so I'm not gonna go into a big spiel, but it just isn't my day. I'll leave it at that, and post some pictures of the outfit I wore today.

The trousers I'm wearing are one of a few I bought this past weekend. They're men's so they're a bit large and I have to belt them pretty tight, but they are so comfy and I love them.

sweater ty's I accidently shrunk..whoops
trousers vintage/the hip zipper
belt thrifted
shoes steve madden


Monday, October 17, 2011


I think the weather is finally supposed to be really fall like the rest of the week, no more 80 degree weather for Tennessee! I know my outfits are deceiving because it seems like I'm already dressing for chilly weather, but it's just that it's early morning when Ty takes these and the school I work in is freezing all day long, so I have to dress warmly.

This little sweater was one of my finds over the weekend, and I completely love it. I also found a lot of mens trouser's from the 40's and 50's! I can't wait to show you them.

shirt american apparel
skirt vintage/hip zipper
sweater vintage/hip zipper
shoes online somewhere
socks j crew
belt thrifted

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Today has been a wonderful productive day. We met with our wedding planner and got lots of things planned and in the next week or so I think we're gonna do some cake tasting, yummm. We also signed our lease!! The apartment is officially ours. We can start moving in things! I'll take some pictures once we have a little bit of furniture moved in. We also found Tyler's suit today! We thought we were going to have to have a custom suit made because he was having some trouble finding one that fit quite right, but we found a beautiful one at J. Crew!

These are some pictures from a few days ago. This was my hair from a wavy pin curl set I did. This was second day hair though, the first day it looked really intense.

shirt tyler's/urban outfitters
jeans tyler's j crew
shoes minnetonka 
cardigan american apparel
socks j crew

How are your weekends going my lovelies?


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Product Review: Motions Foaming Wrap Lotion

I thought I would do a little product review of something I have just found and completely fallen in love with.

Motions Foaming Wrap Lotion is for wet sets and I found mine in the ethnic section of Walmart. I assume it can probably be found in most drug stores as well. I heard various things about it on the vintage blogosphere and wanted to try it for myself.

As some of you know from watching my rag curl tutorial I usually just use a leave in conditioner to set my hair since it's so thick and curly, however I will be using this from now on. I used it for a pin curl set last night and when I took my curls out they were amazingly strong, like it took me forever to brush it out. It left my hair feeling healthy and shinier than before, and my curl has held like nothing else all through the day and I anticipate it staying strong through the next day or two. I imagine this would work great for those of you with thinner or finer hair as well.

Well, that's my little spiel about this product, I hope it might help some of you!


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Victory Rolls

So I caught a little bug while I was at home and am now laid out on the couch doing fun work to my portfolio for teaching instead of being at school. While I'm laid out I thought I'd share with you how I did my hair one day over fall break.

I just put my hair up in hot rollers and did some smaller victory rolls. This was such an easy do I think I may start doing it more often.

shirt tyler's
lipstick mac ruby woo 

I hope you all are having a lovely week!


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sister Day

Saturday my sister Sarah and I went on an estate sale hunt. We planned to get to one super early, and then ended up just going to a few others to just look and whatnot.

We didn't realize until we were out that we were dressed oddly similarly. Whoops.

We found some great stuff. Sarah found some beautiful scarves and I came away with a lovely fur hat and a little turban hat. I also got Tyler a beautiful camel colored vest and Sarah found several items of clothing.
It was a lovely day we ate crepes for breakfast and talked about girlish things while driving around the beautiful Franklin area. It was fantastic, a day I'll cling to as I finish up the semester.

I hope you all have been having a lovely weekend!
P.S. Thank you for all the sweet comments on my first video! I can't wait to do more.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Hair Tutorial: Rag Curls

Ok, so here's my first hair tutorial. I'm sorry the video quality is so poor, I just did it on my mac book. I really want to try to keep doing tutorial's, but I want to make sure I get an actual camera next time. Also, I get a little confused with which is my right and left because the video was opposite on the screen, haha so I kind of stumble along at some points.
I hope that this is helpful for anybody who wants to do a super simple vintage hair style. 


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wedding Hair

I've recently really gotten into Pinterest and that has sparked me looking at a lot of inspirational photos of different things. Here are some lovely hair images that have got me thinking for my wedding day.

Oh my goodness, recently I have been completely inspired by Lauren Bacall. I adore her hair, and I think this style would be amazing for the wedding. I don't know the original source, but if anybody does let me know.

This is just too dreamy. Everything about it, but I especially adore the hair. Here is the original source and Miriam's beautiful blog.

How beautiful! I haven't decided if I'm going to wear my hair up or down yet, but this is totally a lovely option for an up do.

Ok, ok another Lauren Bacall, but her hair is just too amazing!

So that's what's inspiring me at the moment.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Tomorrow is my my last day of school and then fall break! Thank goodness. I'm looking forward to having a few days to sleep in and relax. Thinking of a nice break here's my causal outfit for teaching today.

I love the color navy and I feel like I've been inspired to wear it lately since my nails are a half moon manicure with navy. I also feel like I've been wearing my bakelite bangles constantly, I'll have to expand my collection soon.

pants vintage/hip zipper
shirt tyler's
sweater american eagle
belt j crew
shoes steve madden
bakelite bangles vintage/wonders on woodland
lipstick mac ruby woo


Monday, October 3, 2011


It's finally feeling like fall around here in Tennessee, at least a little bit. It was chilly enough for me to need tights this morning when I left for school. October is by far my favorite month, and I'm so excited to enjoy as much of it as I can.

This sweater is from my mom's vintage collection, and it's so wonderfully warm and cozy. Not to mention the beading which is so beautiful.

dress vintage/adelaide's homesewn
sweater vintage/my mom's
tights target
shoes jessica simpson 

I got my hair trimmed up finally. It's a nice blunt cut, which makes it so much easier to set. Since it is a bit shorter it's not quite so comfy sleeping on rag curls though . Maybe I'll experiment with soft rollers. 