Thursday, August 30, 2012

Radio Days

I had the next movie I was gonna post about all lined up and then the other night Ty and I watched Radio Days, one of Woody Allen's films. Now I know people either hate or love Woody Allen (at least it seems that way), and if you hate him just ignore this, but I personally really love his stuff (at least most of it). We have loads of his movies and we're slowly going through them all, and I just really wanted to share this one with you all!

Radio Days is a nostalgic look at the golden era of the radio. It feels a bit biopic for Woody Allen, and I'm great with that. It follows the different characters about who worked in or were heavily influenced by the radio. It even touches on when War of The Worlds aired on radio and people really believed the earth was being invaded by aliens. 

There are so many wonderful people in the movie a few include Mia Farrow, Dianne Wiest and a very young Seth Green. The styling is fabulous, especially for a movie made in 1987, I feel like sometimes those movies can stray from the true styles of the 40's, but this one was really great. This is one of those movies I can see myself watching several times, it's not too deep and makes for some really great light watching.

If you're in the mood for a good nostalgic film, this is for you. It's also on Netflix for easy viewing!

Are you a fan of Woody Allen or do you dislike his movies?


Friday, August 24, 2012


You know those times you look at photos of yourself and say "Oh my gosh, I look horrid! I'm never posting these" Well, that's what I did with these when I first saw them. This is actually the outfit I wore on my birthday, but my hair didn't do what I wanted it to, and when I looked back at the photos I didn't want to post them. Usually the way it is with me is I just need to go back to them later and realize "Oh, I guess that wasn't so bad", I was being a bit silly.


Also, I talked with an old friend on the phone last night and I was reminded I hadn't posted in a while. Sometimes it takes someone mentioning it for you to remember "Oh wow, I haven't, have I?". I've been getting used to my new jobs. Working at the two preschools is great and I'm a nanny in the late afternoon to evening, so it keeps my days quite filled. But, I certainly do not want to neglect my little blog.

dress trashy diva
slip vintage
shoes anthropologie

Excuse my wonky hair in the photos. I'm still glad I posted them though, ha. This dress is simply wonderful, and I'm starting to fall more and more in love with Trashy Diva. Now if I just had loads of money.


Thursday, August 9, 2012

It's A Wonderful Life

These were taken from the night that my darling husband took me out to eat at a lovely place called F. Scott's for my birthday weekend. We had a super amazing time.

Life has been going amazingly well for Ty and I. We've really been wanting to pay off student loans as quickly as possible, and we're using the Dave Ramsey approach to finances. We have no credit cards and we pay cash for everything. That means we really have to save up to get things we need/want, and that also means we are paying off our debt and will, hopefully, in just a few short years be completely debt free. To do this more quickly we wanted to both get extra jobs, and I found a nannying position working the perfect hours after I teach preschool! It was such an amazing blessing. Also, Ty is up for a promotion, so keep your fingers crossed for him.

50's dress borrowed from my sister
shoes swedish hasbeens (bday gift from my hubby!!)

I've also talked about my journey to loose some weight on here, and it's going super well! I'm exercising 5 days a week and attempting to eat super healthy. I can already tell my old clothes are starting to fit a little better, and I'm excited to keep working hard. All in all, life is going pretty darn well in the Litton house hold and we are very thankful for that.

How are things going for you?


Monday, August 6, 2012

Nudeedudee: Scoopneck Sailor Top

I was so excited when Kim of Nudeedudee contacted me to review this top. I had looked at it in the shop and thought how adorable it was and now I get to show it off!

The top is made out of super soft rayon jersey and is completely comfy. It feels like you're wearing your cozy worn in t-shirt, but of course it's waaay cuter. The construction is fabulous, which is exactly what I would expect from Kim, and it's a really quite versatile. I've already paired it with my green jumper and a couple of pants. It can really go with anything. 

I think this would be darling on any chest size as well. I have a petite chest and I think it really flatters my form, but it's also pictured on a fuller busted lady on Kim's etsy and she looks darling in it. I also had someone mention on my instagram it looked like it would work for nursing moms as well.

blouse c/o Nudeedudee
40's skirt hip zipper
shoes swedish hasbeens (birthday gift!)
bakelite wonders on woodlawn

What do you all think of the blouse?


This item was given to me to review. All the opinions are my own and were in no way influenced by anyone else.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Fair

Tyler has been a sweet heart this weekend. He declared it was my birthday weekend (my birthday is this Sunday) and he had things planned and that's the way it was. Last night he gave me an early gift of some Caitlin Shearer prints I had been wanting! We then proceeded to the Williamson Count Fair, where he won me a weird looking stuffed cat, we listened to loads of Bluegrass music and ate tasty things. This is what I wore.

This morning he's refused to let me get up and he's making me breakfast as I type this. I can't wait for our day ahead. I know it consists of a secret restaurant at the end of the day so my curiosity is peaked. 

dress borrowed from my sister
shoes anthroplogie (gift)
socks j crew

If you want to see more of the happenings of this weekend you can follow me on instagram: emmyrenee.

I hope you all are having a fantastic weekend!


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Winner of the Shabby Apple Give Away!

Aaaaaand the winner is Cambria! I have sent your e-mail address: (let me know if I need to send a different e-mail address) to Shabby Apple and they should be getting in contact with you very soon to give you your $50 on the site!

Thanks to everybody who entered the give away! And also, thank you so much to my readers, I really appreciate all of you.
