Thursday, May 5, 2011

Yellow flower

Today has been another completely beautiful day. I'm sorry all my outfit pictures are in the same location (right outside my apartment door) but the ground is still so soggy I can't venture out any where else. Also, I'm loving the space right outside my apartment because there are sooo many honey suckle bushes about they smell glorious. Honey suckle is one of my favorite scents.

flower made by my sister sarah
blouse anthropologie
cardigan american apparel
pants thrifted and diy
belt thrifed
shoes thrifted 

Ty bought me this blouse last year, and this is the first time I've worn it this spring, I love the lovely yellow color! I couldn't resist wearing it with this wonderful yellow flower my sister made me. A great yellow pairing.



  1. yay those are your jeans you dyed! they look so great! i still haven't done mine, so many things i want to do and soo little time! why do i have to work again? oh ya student loans! eek!

    yellow is one of my favorite colors and a perfect color for spring!


  2. Pretty! I wish I could wear yellow. I love honeysuckle too, such a pretty scent :)

  3. I'm loving the simplistic beauty of this whole outfit.

    xoxo mama wolf.


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