Monday, August 12, 2013

Life Recently

Life lately has consisted of a lot of ups and downs (as life always does) We have done a lot of traveling this summer, some of it planned and some of it to be with grieving family. 
I turned 24. I know I'm still so young, but saying that I'm 24 doesn't seem quite right. I feel like I should be saying I'm 18, haha.
I interviewed for a position I very much wanted this summer, my job I have is still wonderful, but I really was hoping for this position. I didn't get it.
 I've started teaching piano and voice students and I have been on the roller coaster of emotions about that. From being incredibly happy to being paid back in full for not practicing as much as I should have when I was a child. I was feeling a little lost lately, specifically in music. My job while in teaching is not full time music and I was starting to miss being a part of something. I decided to try out for the Nashville Symphony Chorus. I tried not getting my hopes up that I would get in. I've been working very hard the last month preparing for the audition. This last week I have been nothing but a bundle of nerves trying to stay focused and keep working while trying not to get my hopes up too much. Yesterday I got the news... that I got in!! I feel as if a little cloud has been cleared from above my head. I'm so excited to be a part of a group again. The first rehearsal is tonight and I could hardly sleep last night anticipating it.
That it a little bit of what has been going on here. Here are some snap shots from the past few weeks.

 My lovely family made me a Doctor Who themed cake and gave me a fez and bow tie to wear for the festivities.

Tyler and I went to a fabulous exhibit at the Frist on Art Deco cars. They were all to die for.

Tyler built me a fort in our living room and we watched old movies. It was dreamy.

 I've gotten lots of lovely gifts. Beautiful Royal Copley pieces that adorn my table, gorgeous Miss L Fire shoes, and Bakelite brooches (I can't wait to show you the adorable yellow Scottie dog I got).

 I've enjoyed going out as it's gotten hotter for a sweet treat from Las Palates.

This is a crappy photo but it shows exactly how excited I was last night when I heard I got into the Nashville Symphony Chorus.



  1. Congratulations!!!!!! Oh, and that last pic is not crappy at all - you are gorgeous! A natural beauty! <3

  2. congrats on making the orchestra! Don't worry, you're adorable even in the last picture. :)

  3. awww happy birthday to you, sweetie and congratulations in getting in with the orchestra! Sometimes life doesn't always turn out as we want but in the end it turns out better than we could have imagined! :) x

  4. Congrats on the chorus! That's wonderful!!

    Happy (late) birthday! Don't worry about the number, it feels odd saying that you're older but it gets easier! I'm 29 now & still can't really believe it, but I embrace it!

    Oh, and the living room fort was a truly adorable idea, good job Tyler.


  5. Congrats on making the chorus! I absolutely love your doctor who cake, and the red shoes you got as a gift are darling :)

  6. I know what you mean about being 24! I turned 24 this year too! I feel so young still but I know 25 is coming and I feel like I should really be a "real grownup" at 25 but I don't feel like I'm anywhere near that stage yet!

    And Congrats on making orchestra! :D

  7. Congratulations and happy birthday! It definitely sounds like you have a lot going on at the moment. Good luck with the orchestra!

  8. Ohhhh first I have to say how incredibly beautiful you are without makeup. I mean you are stunning with it but equally stunning without. Second, hello! How cool of your family to give you a DW cake! Bow ties are sooooo cool! Thirdly, your hubby is a doll. Enjoy those carefree fun days with the two of you together-they are magical and special and you will look back on them fondly when you have a bundle of cuteness jumping inbetween the two of you hehee And lastly, congrats on going for a dream. Life is short and very precious and you should always try to go after your dreams no matter the outcome. I know I don't know you personally but you remind me so much of me when I was 24 (and I will soon be 38 and I am like WHA? I feel at least 28 hehe) and it is a special time in a women's life. Continue to enjoy the adventure you are on and see where it takes you! HUGS!

  9. CONGRATS ON MAKING THE CHORUS! That is huge! Also, that last picture is simply lovely!

  10. Emma,
    You look so excited.. so much that I'm excited for you!

    The cake is funny and it must have been yummy.
    A fez and bow tie suit you perfectly.
    The shoes and the brooch are something I'd love to get as a present, too.

    My most honest congrats on getting into Nashville Symphony Chorus!!!


  11. Well done for making the orchestra, I adore the idea of Tyler making you a den that is so fricking cute! You look gorgeous as ever! xx

  12. Okay seriously, the Dr. Who cake and the fez and bowtie are keeeelling me. :D Love it!

    A big, huge congrats on getting into the chorus, I know that must just mean the world to you!! Hoorah!

  13. Oh happy happy birthday sweet......a Doctor Who cake........amazing and yes a fez and bow-tie are always cool.
    So so happy for you...........congratulations on getting into the chorus, happy happy dance.
    That's a whole lot of happy......
    Love V

  14. That is a look of absolutely unbridled excitement and glee if ever there was one! Huge congrats, dear Emma, I'm super proud of, and excited for, you!!!

    I really felt like my early and mid-20s were a massively up and down time, too, with no shortage of uncertainties, doubts, questions, and hiccups. Certainly some of those things are almost always going to be present in life, but for what it's worth, I found that the pieces began to fall into place a lot better as my 20s wound down. Now at 29, I'm crazy excited to hit 30 and truly hope that things just keep looking up from there on out. Everything will be okay in the end - we can't foresee or plan each moment in life, and ultimately, that's probably a very good thing.

    ♥ Jessica

  15. Preeeeetty much what Tasha said. Fez + bowtie + dr. who cake = PERFECTION. Looks like you had a great birthday!! And well done on joining the Nashville Symphony Choir. Your star's on the ascendant, little lady! :)

  16. Well done. Well done indeed. And a belated happy birthday!

  17. Congrats on your audition!!! How exciting!!! I'm sorry you've had so many ups and downs lately, but... at least you own those awesome shoes!!! lol.

    You don't need to worry about feeling old. I just turned 29!!!!! I feel like I'm 16, it's weird.

    Hope things start looking up for you :)

    Life of Mabel

  18. Happy Birthday and congrats!!!!! :)

  19. Congratulations, that is great news but sorry to hear that things haven't been great recently, I promise they get better!

    Maria xxx

  20. As an old lady who will turn 36 in March, I can tell you with all the sagacity of an old lady, you are wonderfully young! Enjoy yourself and all the good stuff that comes with being young. (And, honestly, 29-30 was an amazing time for me. I felt and felt like I looked the best I ever had. You have that to look forward to!) :)

  21. CONGRATS!!! i'm so happy for you that you made it in the chorus. that are great news. always look at the ups, not at the downs. (i suppose, i have to tell myself these words more often... ;) )
    ... and happy belated birthday to you girl!


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